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Sunday 4 November 2012


well this season was a mixed bag really, lack of crew change of crew both novice to cat racing.
bad weather good weather, hopefully the fun series for winter will be a bit more consistant with Lauren now crewing, a little bit more training and 2013 could be a good year for once.
consistant crew is key. overall happy with what i have done but need the boat tweak toward the end of the season to do well again. the bournmouth race was my best effort by far teaming up with John Russ yet again. my bad mark rounding cost us many spots so with a good clean race who knows what could have been. as for series events must make more effort to attend and not watch the weather all the time when i could just turn up launch and maybe then retire if i dont like the wind.

looking forward to 2013

Sailing summary 2012

1. pleasure sail
2. opener race
3. spring 1
4. cat training all day
5. spring 2
6. solo sail
spring 3 dnr weather
spring 4 dnr ill
spring 5 dnr weather
7. 1974 cup
spring 6 forcast no wind
8. pratice pleasure sail
9. sailed in bay pratice DNS spring 7.
10. spring 8
fun series 15-20knts sw did not travel
summer series 1 DNR easterly
summer 2 Team 4 duty day session am & pm
summer 3 DNR wet windy
12. summer 4 abandoned
summer 5 on holiday
13 summer 6 SOLO
commodores cup duty day
14. summer series 7
15. summer series 8
summer 9 no wind forcast did not travel
summer 10 NO crew didnt travel wind 15-20knts
Autumn 2 Team 4 safety duty
16. Autumn series 3
17. Bournmouth race Elizabeth cup
autumn 4 did not race easterly predicted 28knts++
18. sailed in the bay but did not race autumn 5 , wind 12- 20knts ++ big gusts
autumn 6 did not travel
autumn 7 no crew
autumn 8 did not travel
autumn 9 wrong weather call
autumn 10 race cancelled 29knts wind
19. winter fun series 1      ++     leasure sail             total   time    1:45mins