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Sunday 21 September 2014


the trip to swanage was very misty and took awile, Swanage bay was surrounded in mist as well and didnt look as though it would lift.
we set sail early as the wind was due to die around 11 or so. i jokingly said poole bar bouy to richard and he laughed. there was good wind so we headed that way calling in on a fleet from parksone yc going to weymouth in the mist.
richard said i never go on the tiller so i thought ok then you helm.
2hrs later we got to the starbourd bar bouy. it hink we were fighting the tide as well so overall not to bad.
going over old harry was slightly choppy.
rounding the mark i took over and headed out to sea on a broad reach. 45 mins later we were back in swanage, the wind had died as predicted and we only just got back at a snails pace.

13.5 miles 3hrs sailing

looking back toward Old Harry's