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Saturday 16 February 2013

First sail of 2013 16TH FEB 2013

killed two birds with one stone today, how you ask did i do that ?
sold the laser which had not been used since purchase, then went out on MBM with Alan Gould for an hor or so.
the weather was really suny and pleasant temp, not a lot of wind that was visible on the water, however we did paddle our way around the pier and then drifted for 20 mins or so then after a while we headed out into the bay knowing the tide was taking us back toward pevrill area if we stopped.
the further we went the more wind we found, head toward the bouy Alan said  so i did, then the next and the next and before we knew it we were out of the bay in some nice wind. we went up to the local fishing boat and then headed for home, it didnt take long to get back, only about 25 mins or so, to be greeted by Phil in the rescue boat saying that he thought we had drifted out of the bay and couldnt get us on our radio, WASNT SWITCHED ON !! , i said i would switch it on only if i needed help !!
anyway after a good laugh we got back to shore and thought we had better get the rib back up the beach for him as he was trying to help us after all.
total sailed 4.74 miles time 1h 1/2 we both enjoyed it for the first sail of the year on MBM