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Sunday 2 July 2017

Sailing Diary latest

1.  6.1nm   "ERL"  1H   SOLO      010417
     STRAYCAT with John Russ        020417
2   6.0nm   "ERL" 1H SOLO        250417
3   1.1nm   "ERL"  30M  SOLO   220517
4   4.1nm   "ERL"  44M   RACE  SOLO   270517
     STRAYCAT  with John Russ    100617   14.3nm  3hr 5m
5.  8.4nm   "ERL"  1H30M  SOLO  160617
6. 6nm approx "ERL" 1H55  SOLO  020717
7.  5nm  "ERL"  1H  approx  SUMMER RACE SERIES   020717
8. 9.6nm "ERL"  1H37M (test sail with jib  first time)  080717

2ND jULY 2017 early morning sail and first race complete on Sprint15 since 2006

 an early start to get to swanage and park.
on the water by 0850   sailed for 2hrs almost before the race got under starters orders.
wind was more further out into the bay bu the forecast was due to drop so a small triangle was set.
had to remember to start with the mono s as sprint15s start with them now.
i messed the start up as i went head to wind and had a job to gwet going again.
went over the line almost 2 mins late. played catchup but it wasnt to be. adrian passed me in the 2 sail version as i was on main only.
race was about an hour and 5nm after reseting my trip.
the first part wasnt recorded for some reason.
pics and vid to follow
heading out for sail and not paying attention