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Wednesday 21 January 2015

Freezer series 1 & 2 2015

well the freezer series starts saturday 24th Jan at 12.30 with 2 races. should be fun 13 to 23 knts forecast
no crew for saturdays yet so will be entertaining.
pics and results here shortly

weather looking cold  but good

wind was 20-25knts in race one and after lunch 15 to 20knts + 
after getting used to tacking with no jib and a flying start  slow progress was made to the windward mark , i started thinking i had started early, but was told i did a perfect start. mike footer was trailing behind after many boat problems
after about an hour i finished ahead of him and his crew bryan to technically win my first ever race
in race 2 the wind seemed stronger and the waves choppier, but the wind chart said otherwise. a few gybes i was almost out of control and losing my tiller stick out the back of the boat didnt help
all in all it was good fun and im glad i raced and finished in one peace. i didnt push hard and thats what got me around safe.  14.8 miles 2H.15m  17mph top speed
freezer series Weston S.C 24th Jan 2015