launched at 0910. and headed straigh out of the bay. poole bar bouy was on the cards again.
we wanted to see the chalk cliff falls again and seen more evidence of more falls.
we struggled to get out the bay and eventually got going and made studland bay from a run to a beat.
we got there in 47m which wasnt bad. going back was more wind and again hit a soft patch.
when we got into the bay richard had a go at helming again. which was fun for him but not for me.
he got the hang of it eventually. we did from7.5 to 15.5 miles in the bay with some very good reaches and richard going out on the wire on several occasions.
total time 2h34m 15.7 miles
filmed as well.
heading back to Swanage bay Richard on the trapeze |
heading to ward the octopus |
lovely day in Swanage bay |
the bar bouy |
just out of the bay and very light wind |