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Sunday 22 June 2014

early morning sail and Summer 4 2014

again  a early start for the drive down and out on the water just after 8am.
paddled out to the old pier and then it was nice beats and reaches up and down for 1h 30mins
the sun  was shinning and so relaxing.   1h30mins over 7miles sailing
returned to shore to see if I had a crew turn up but no one !!

wind was very light and the course very small I went on port to find when I tacked I ended up going back over the line. I was lapped before I made the first mark.
from then on the wind filled in a bit. PETE was solo as well, but had a better start, I had one incident with gary burglass after he tacked right on top of me, how I didn't hit him I don't know. I called penalty and he muttered words you didn't shout ???  I said I didn't have to  do your 360. he didn't do it
so I told the committee boat just incase and they said protest.  greg forwarded it on to gary who then finally did his turn.  then it was a case of watch my back as he was chasing hard.
he did eventually get me  but I was only on my mainsail and solo.
total time 1hr and a bit no idea miles as no gps.

Sunday 8 June 2014

summer 1 08 06 2014

after my 1h43m solo sail i came back to the beach to be greeted by gary parrot who was going to crew.
we launched into very light winds.
we messed the start up and started 2 mins late, my fault but  as it was my first race of the season .
we managed to over take a few boats that got tangles on the first mark. then it was hunting down gary and also mark.  we did manage gary but i too got caught on mark 1.
we did out 360 and carried on. the wind was very light and not exciting at all.
gary did well and we got on ok. helmed on the way back in
2h 09m  9.64 miles

total for the day
3h52     20.07miles

08th 06 2014 solo sail

today  was my first sail since my incident .
wind was light but began to build. launched at 0810 and sailed for 1h43m 10.43 miles
pratising sailing with no jib  and tacking  etc.  had a good sail. flew a hull a few times.
weather was really sunny, a pleasure  to be on the water.