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Sunday, 27 July 2014

27th july

well the sunday race was 2 back to back and a new crew for the day.
when i was sorting the ruddder i noticed it did not stay up, on closer inspection it had baiscally fallen to bits inside due to the inpact it took last ime i sailed, now i know what the bang was !!!

it made the steering heavy.
wind was fairly light with a an ebb tide which made the start for me very bad.
i made the pin end and then went to tack off only to stall and then drift backwards, in shor it took 15 mins to recross the line. we got going and did one lap. Mark was a bit heavy at 16 st. WE GOT STOPPED AFTER THE ONE LAP.
we milled around for about 30 mins waiting for everyone to finnish and then the course reset.
by the time the postponement came down we were way off the line, so i said by the time we hi the line we will be about 5 mins late again. so i headed in to shore.
all in all a nice weekend after sailing mutley 173741 for the first time.
time sailed about 1hr 20

£173 later and i havea new rudderstock complete. it was easy to see what piece went missing after i got hold of a new one complete. at least i havea spare now and just need to revamp it with a few rollers etc
windsport international supplied the goods really fast many thanks

Sunday, 13 July 2014