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Tuesday 25 April 2017

2nd sail of season 25th April 2017

an early start 0630 on the road, i wasnt going to go but had a reason to go and that was to drop pff the laser tiller i forgot to put in the box last time when i dropped the laser off.
i had redone the front stands and added some struts to reinforce them.
"ERL" was rigged and then by 0900 was on the water. had trouble getting the main to click on the top of the mast, also the mainsheet slipped thru the cleats, so either
its warn or the cleats are or both,
boat went well, i was waitng for the wind to pick up as i knew it was going to be 13knts gustings 18 from nw
everything seemed ok, just took it easy. had a really good sail, went out to see the "pelican of london"
sailed for an hour and covered 6.0nm wind was 13knts to 18knts nw
time to test the boat stand, all worked well. wind was cold but sunny
glad i sailed, all filmed with headcam on gopro and bow cam gopro, screenshots later if they came out

new reinforced front stands

after launch from the bowcam
Pelican of London in background

Wednesday 12 April 2017

2017 sailing diary

1.  6.1nm   "ERL"  1H   SOLO      010417
     STRAYCAT with John Russ        020417
2   6.0nm   "ERL" 1H SOLO        250417
3   1.1nm   "ERL"  30M  SOLO   220517
4   4.1nm   "ERL"  44M   RACE  SOLO   270517
     STRAYCAT  with John Russ    100617   14.3nm  3hr 5m
5.  8.4nm   "ERL"  1H30M  SOLO  160617
6. 6nm approx "ERL" 1H55  SOLO  020717
7.  5nm  "ERL"  1H  approx  SUMMER RACE SERIES   020717

Monday 3 April 2017

"ERL" maiden sail at swanage

an early start as allways and off to swanage to sail "ERL" , managed to move the boat around ok on my own, and got it on its side to replace the mainsheet halyard.
then it was a case of sorting the wind indicator and then meet rob who had a look at the boat as well
i launched with a bit of apprehension , thinking if something wasnt right i would be stuck.
i put the phone in the cocktal cabinet and forgot to set the gps running,  i sailed for an hour just over, praticing a few gybes and tacking
boat went ok and very pleased, tacks very well on main only.
6.1 nm and 1hr10min
my first sail for over 6 months, so very pleased, wind was about 8 to 10knts