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Sunday 28 August 2011

autumn series 1 28082011

work started at 0730 to get MBM ready, replaced the trapeze bungy and gave him a good wash.
the wind was getting up and i was getting edgy, having not raced this year this was going to be a baptism.
we headed out to the start and tried a few tacks and gybes and founf the main slipped a few times.
we headed out to mark 1 and found starboard side was key
we went back to the committee boat only to find the race had started, we were 2mins late starting (oh well)
 we went left and then tacked and found we were beating higher than the rest. we gained some ground.
on the next lap we made huge gains and by mark 4 we were with the fleet.
clive stracey was doing really well and not far behind us.

the wind was picking up and the waves as well, richard was calling the shots for tacking and gybing and did a good job.
we lost a little ground when it got windier  because i wasnt up to speed in stronger winds.
the last lap we loooked behind and to our amazement was STRAYCAT  we came off 4 and powered up not wanting greg to beat us. we did finnish ahead by 10 secs but greg seemed to think he had another lap to do, we let him  carry on when we seen all the cats heading for shore.
overall MBM is a good boat and im very pleased with him.
we were using a tight rig and had the mast raked back and the shroud plates were on the 2nd hole up from the deck. as for batten tension  i didnt even check it, also i raced with the older jib
after tucking MBM in his berth i was asked by fellow sailors how i did.
i was happy to say  i think i did ok and pleased with the boat.

next saturday is the Bournmouth race, hopefully the weather will be ok John Russ will be crewing.