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Sunday 4 September 2011

Bournmouth race 3rd Sept 2011 cont......

the weather was overcast and predicted 12-17 knts sw
crew was John Russ, john has always been my fav crew for this race and was pleased for him to be back again.
we headed out to the start and a few tacks and gybes later we were underway, i was below the line and took it steady to start. there was 8 other cats in the race 7 being dart 18's and one lone 15
we headed out of the bay and then toward old harry then heading for poole bar bouy green no 1
we actaully went to the next one down as it suited our tactics. then out to sea again and then gybing back  in until we could see the mark off Bournmouth pier. We rounded the mark in 5th spot  with pete (gregs old boat) mark and desney and straycat and the d15 behind us. we were pleased however at bournmouth on the beat we struggled to make the baot go and pete and mark bothe overtook and left us.
the waves were bouncing us and comming across the bows  our mistake according to mike was we were sat too far forward. john was in front of the shrouds.

after afew more tacks we rounded bb1 again and headed toward old harry GREG overtook us on straycat.
 we then encountered severe chop off old harry and we headed in toward the cliffs, we did this several times untill we were in the bay. we finally finished in about 2h 20  but the weather didnt help
so after getting the boat back in its berth it was off for a a pint and debrief from greg and mike m
they all said we ddid really well down wind  but what was up with my upwind sailing ?
something to work on.
it was all filmed as well on my pov 1.5 to treasure the day.
next day was forcast strong winds, in the morning the bay was shrouded in a rain cloud. i tied the boat down and headed home. too much for one weekend, and as it was only my secound sail of the year i guess i couldnt complain.
the boat did fantastic and performed to my expectations. i think Paul let go a good boat
looking forward to next week and see how MBM does, providing the helm can match up to what its capable off . no gps tracker of the race as it didnt work after i put it into my jacket ??
