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Sunday, 1 April 2012

The opener 2012

Tim Saunders was my crew for today and said that he had done some sailing in greee on big boats and on cats  but knew what to do.  he was very friendly and we got on really well a perfect sauturday siling crew
we messed the start up because i didnt have my race watch    , ton y set his but by the time we realised we were late going across the line. we followed mike cemms tracks but found it hard going and rounded the mark in last place, the only way was up and we struggled to catch a few toppers and lasers.
tony came up with some good ideas , pleased we were just on the water really so  didnt care that we were last overall, all the cats were last in the field greg was 1m 55 ahead on me on the water. mike was helming.