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Saturday 1 November 2014

an eventfull day 1ST NOVEMBER

 Richard getting the righting line ready after capsize

had a fun day sailing today at Swanage. Richard lost his prized orange hat. we went back for it but it had sunk !!
then when we were closer to shore we spotted a hat floating in the sea, so we went around and with the gusts we went in irons, as the boat went back on the old tack Richard was on the wrong and we promptly capsized .
as no safety cover was around we managed to get the boat upright again with no problem, I had not righted a dart for over 3.5 years.
the cost was a little more than Richards hat. i lost my water bottle my paddle and shredded my cable on my head cam getting back on the boat.
all in all we did laugh about it, we circled again to see if the paddle had floated but alas not.
Our trip was earlier curtailed with the trampoline tension going completely due to broken clips on the rear beam ,so we abandoned going to Poole bar bouy all in all a eventful sail, but we did have fish cake and chips for lunch.

AFTER lunch we repaired the tramp clips and re tensioned it
so a worth while trip in the end
 total time sailing 2h 15  max wind recorded 18knts on pier so more at sea

the first time MBM has been in this position ever for us

part of the track we did for the sail