bought a set of rudders on ebay for a good price, in good condition it said, not used much so very tight to unlock.
i got them and found they were in good condition apart from one. the blade where it meets the arm had been repaired. it snapped of during undoing.
the rudder bolts were the metal sort and seized solid.
after drilling out with no success on one i then decided to whack it with a hammer hard . the insert and bolt came out as one. new replacement rudder service kit job done.
the other that i had drilled out i then hit as well and the whole lot came out. outer sleeve as well
so ordered that as well, this was then epoxied back in place and the rudder reassembled. no problem
cleaned up all working fine.
the broken rudder end bit basically is now spare like i had a spare blade before.
i will try to bond some isopan p40 and reshape it. more on this later
all fixed, the isopan p40 was really good. a bolt the same size as used was placed in the slot where it had to go wrapped in paper. the isopan fibreglass was mixed and then spread on top to make the shape of how it should have been, it soon went off, after a while it was sanded down with a bosch dremmel type machine and then mouse sander, the holes showing were filled with just some glue.
it was then sprayed with plasticote white paint.
all looking good. hopefully will do the job.