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Sunday 9 June 2019

9th June 2019 And Bala Long distance

  Bala long distance race 22nd June 2019

the long distance race started off with next to no wind
i decided to sail the A class for it first trip out . with the boat all rigged with help from prev owner mike allen we waited for a 1pm start  sun was out and a long 4hr race was ahead.
the wind was all over the place but good progress was made down the whole of the lake to a mark close to the bottom as they could
at one point i was 5th on the water but rounded in 11th
i then slipped down the order in flukey down winds the boat was responsive and was nice to sail.
i lost my d18 worlds hat but it was picked up by the safety crew.
it was hot and at the end of the day was drained. a barbucue follwed at 630pm  i had one pint of purple moose snowdonia ale and that was me done. i had to move van and teardrop trailer in the campsite, when i led down fir a rest that was it 
i didnt go back to club as planned as i was very dydrated.
captured it on go pro as well so pics to follow


Well a busy day before hand collecting the new teardrop sleeper from MEIFOD
weather was forcast initially sunny and 8-12knts   on the day it was looking a bit windier and rain threatening. no rain but wind all over the place.
racing was good but found the tacking awkward at times in choppy waves.
had some good moments and some bad , didnt seem to be able to point well.
did 2 races and decided that was it for today . richard was on his new unicorn and seemed to do well.